Dee Heinmuller
Senior Companion Manager

For free, confidential help any time of the day.
Senior Companion Program
The Senior Companion Program (SCP) engages adults age 55 and over to provide companionship and support to other older adults in need of extra assistance to remain at home or in the community for as long as possible. Senior Companion volunteers serve an average of 20 hours per week, with the majority of the volunteer service taking place in the homes of their clients.
Among other activities, they provide companionship to ease loneliness and social isolation, assist with transportation and light chores, help to serve as eyes and ears to professional who can intervene in the case of medical or other deterioration on the part of the clients, and give support to informal caregivers. While serving, Senior Companion volunteers improve their own lives by staying active and civically engaged.
The Senior Companion Program is a federally funded grant program through the Corporation for National and Community Service that provides opportunities for seniors to make a difference in their community. Volunteers must meet income eligibility guidelines and receive a tax free stipend of $3.00/hour plus mileage reimbursement.
SCP is sponsored locally by Land of Sky Regional Council and serves volunteers and clients in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, and Transylvania counties.
Senior Companions:
Are 55 years or age or better;
Must meet income guidelines established by the federal government;
Must be physically and mentally able to serve; and
Can serve between 15 - 40 hours a week.
Transportation to doctor appointments, grocery store, pharmacy and any other needed transportation;
Social interaction;
Light housekeeping;
Recreational activities; and
Respite for family caregiver.
Tax Free Hourly stipend of $2.65 (stipend does not count towards any other government benefits received);
Paid holidays, vacation, and sick days;
Orientation and monthly training;
Liability insurance while volunteering;
Mileage Reimbursed;
Satisfaction in feeling useful; and
Knowing you are needed by someone who depends on you.
There is an older adult waiting right now for a Senior Companion! Apply today to be part of the volunteer solution!