Air quality became a significant issue in our region in the mid-90s. Air quality management agencies alerted community officials that air quality was declining and action needed to be taken to reverse this trend. Four major air quality issues were identified including:
Ground Level Ozone Pollution – has health impacts especially for those with respiratory diseases and also harms many species of native vegetation.
Fine Particulates – high concentrations of microscopic particles can damage lungs and cardiovascular systems.
Haze – very fine particles scatter sunlight and create a whitish man-made haze that reduces visibility in our mountains especially in the summertime during peak tourist season.
Acid Deposition – acid rain, clouds and fog and dry deposition of acidic compounds impair vegetation and native trout streams especially in high elevation areas.
This regional campaign is focused on educating the public and community leaders about air pollution and actions everyone can take to improve air quality in Asheville, NC and the surrounding region.
Established in 1998 to increase public awareness of Air Quality Issues. The Campaign is coordinated by a Steering Committee with representatives from a dozen partnering organizations representing government, business and industry, and the academic, health and environmental communities.
GOAL: Reduce Air pollution in the French Broad River Valley through increased public awareness and participation. The Campaign focuses on making citizens more aware of our air quality problems and of what they can do to help solve these problems through reduced driving and energy conservation.
Message – Conserve Energy at home, work, and school; Drive Less; and Cleaner Vehicles
Delivery of Message – Educational materials, website, presentations, email notices, ozone season kickoff and press conference, educational displays, etc.
State of Our Air Briefing 2020
October 30, 2020
Welcome and Introductions – Bill Eaker, Land-of-Sky Regional Council (LOSRC)
A Smarter and Cleaner Energy Future for WNC – Jason Walls, District Manager for WNC, Duke Energy
State and Federal Air Quality Issues Update – Mike Abraczinskas, Director, NC Division of Air Quality, NC DEQ
Local Agency Air Quality Update (Air Quality Conditions/Trends in Buncombe County) – Ashley Featherstone, Director, WNC Regional Air Quality Agency
Air Quality Forecasting in the Mountains (Overview, Process, Recent changes) – Elliot Tardif, Meteorologist, NC Division of Air Quality, NC DEQ
Cost Effective Actions to Reduce Energy Demand and Emissions - Sophie Mullinax, Project Manager, Blue Horizons Project
Efforts to Reduce Emissions from Motor Vehicles in the Region – Bill Eaker, Coordinator, Land of Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition, LOSRC
Sponsors: Regional Clean Air Campaign, N.C. Division of Air Quality, WNC Regional Air Quality Agency, Land of Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition
Thanks to Buncombe County Government TV for their support!
Would you like to donate to the Clean Air Campaign?