Land of Sky Departments
Land of Sky Regional Council is composed of six departments that work towards meeting the needs of our four county region - Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania counties.
Administration & Finance
The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) helps to determine the needs of older adults and works with counties to plan services to meet those needs. The goal of providing these services is to enable older adults to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible.
The Economic and Community Development Department provides an array of planning development, grant writing, facilitation and project management services to our member local governments. They also coordinate and manage regional economic, community development, and the environment projects.
The Mountain Area WorkforceDevelopment Board (MAWDB) is a partnership of private business executives and the the leading workforce development organizations in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania counties of western North Carolina. The purpose of the WDB is to provide policy, planning, oversight and funding for local workforce development programs and address workforce issues as they emerge within the region.
The Transportation Resource Center handles the administration of Mountain Mobility and Non-Emergency Medicaid Transportation for Buncombe County. Mountain Mobility provides transportation services to clients of human service agencies, local governments, and qualified citizens. NEMT provides transportation services for qualified clients.