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Stephanie Stewart
Aging Programs Specialist


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Senior Centers

2014 North Carolina Senior Center Fact Sheet

A multipurpose senior center is a community facility where older adults come together for services and activities that reflect their skills, interests, and diverse needs.  Centers are a resource for the entire community, providing services and information on aging, and assisting family and friends who care for old persons.  For older persons at risk of losing their self-sufficiency, senior centers are the entry point to an array of services that will help them maintain their independence.  Any variety of services to individuals or groups may be accessed depending on local community circumstances.

Examples of individual services at senior centers are information and referral, home-delivered meals, job finding and training, legal assistance, health insurance counseling, transportation, and volunteer opportunities.  Examples of group services are group meals, educational sessions, cultural event, health and wellness activities, retirement planning, community service projects, intergenerational programs, volunteer opportunities, and recreational trips.

Certification of senior centers is an initiative designed to enhance their operation and programming.  It is a two-tiered model: The Center of Merit and The Center of Excellence.  In order to get either of these designations, a Self-Assessment tool known as the SCOPE (Senior Center Operations and Program Evaluation), is used to measure centers for merit or excellence or define areas where improvement is needed.  Such designation allows a center to be recognized as a viable, fundable, and qualified provider of best-practice services within the community.  They can use their state-certified Center of Merit or Excellence in their literature, grant applications, and marketing materials.  Certification will also eliminate the need for future HCCBG Standards monitoring.  In Fiscal Year 200 – 2005, all certified centers received additional funding for monies allocated by the General Assembly.

Region B Senior Centers

Name Contact Services Provided
Harvest House
205 Kenilworth Road, Asheville
Director - Lee Dansby Senior Center
General Purpose
Senior Opportunity Center
36 Grove Street, Asheville
Director – Kim Isley
Program Supervisor – Dee Black
Senior Center
General Purpose
Lakeview Senior Center
401 Laurel Circle, Black Mountain
Recreation Program Supervisor – Brittany Williams Senior Center
General Purpose
Hot Springs Senior Center
Highway 25-70, Hot Springs
Coordinator – Mary Chandler Senior Center
General Purpose
Marshall Senior Center
462 Long Branch Road, Marshall
Coordinator – Peggy Balding Senior Center
General Purpose

Silvermont Opportunity Center
Certified Center of Excellence
364 East Main Street, Brevard

Director – Chris Parker
Program Assistant - Linda Novosel

Senior Center
General Purpose

The centers listed below, although not deemed multi-purpose or funded with state funds, also offer community based senior services.

Name Contact Services Provided
Opportunity House
1411 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville
Director – Doug Moon Cultural Arts and Senior Center
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Reuter Center at UNCA, CPO #5000
One University Heights, Asheville
Director - Catherine Frank Life Long Learning Center