American Planning Association - APA is an independent, not-for-profit educational organization that provides leadership in the development of vital communities. We measure our success by the successes of our members and the communities they serve. |
Development District Association of Appalachia - DDAA is a membership organization of the 73 Local Development Districts(LDD's) serving the 420 counties of the Appalachia Region. The DDAA works to strengthen LDDs and their member governments and to provide leadership to support the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) federal-state-local partnership. |
National Association of Development Organizations - NADO provides advocacy, education, research, and training for the nation’s regional development organizations. The association and its members promote regional strategies, partnerships, and solutions to strengthen the economic competitiveness and quality of life across America’s local communities. |
NC Area Agencies on Aging (NC4A) - An Area Agency on Aging is a public or private non-profit agency designated by the state to administer the Older Americans Act at the regional level per the 1973 amendment to the Older Americans Act. Having regional oversight of the programs and funding allows the state to be more responsive and to be better able to assess local needs and concerns. |
NC Association of Certified Public Accountants - NCACPA is dedicated to creating new opportunities for CPAs to better serve their profession and communities. |
NC Association of County Commissioners - NCACC is one of the most successful and active statewide local government associations in the nation. The NCACC advocates for county government before the executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government. |
NC City & County Management Association - NCCCMA is the professional association for city and county managers and assistant managers from counties and municipalities throughout the State of North Carolina. One of our primary purposes for existing is to improve the quality of local government. |
NC Government Finance Officers Association - The purpose of this Association is to promote the improvement of the methods of governmental financing in North Carolina as developed and recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, The Department of the State Treasurer, and other recognized authorities in the field of government administration. |
NC League of Municipalities - The North Carolina League of Municipalities is a nonpartisan association of municipalities in North Carolina. The mission of the League is to enhance the quality of life in municipalities through excellent municipal governance. |
NC Regional Councils - The Forum is a unique venue where municipal and county elected officials and community leaders convene, research, discuss issues and policies and seek regional solutions for local units of government and the State of North Carolina. |
SouthEast Regional Directors Institute - SERDI is a voluntary professional development association for regional council executive directors in the southeastern United States. SERDI provides technical assistance to regional council directors, their councils and their state associations. |