Erica Anderson
Director of Economic and Community Development
Social Media
Blue Ridge Bike Plan (BRBP)
The Blue Ridge Bike Plan study was finished in 2013. FInal documents available below:
Land of Sky Regional Council was awarded a grant from NCDOT in August 2011 to undertake a Regional Bike Plan study for the following seven counties: Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Madison, Swain and Transylvania. The work was performed by Land of Sky Regional Council staff, with assistance from the French Broad River MPO, Land of SkyRPO and Southwestern RPO. This was a two-year study, completed in December 2013. We adopted the name of Blue Ridge Bike Plan for this initiative.
Why plan for bicycling?
While bicycling currently accounts for a small share of commute trips, it could be an important part of everyday travel for shorter trips. Bicycling is accessible to a variety of age groups, and is especially popular among college students. Recreational and commuter bicycling can be an easy step to a healthy lifestyle. Bicycling is important to the economic development goals of Western North Carolina—each year thousands of people visit the region and take part in group ride events such as the Blue Ridge
Breakaway, or otherwise ride for recreation. For people who do not ride a bicycle, improving bicycle facilities means improved overall safety and decreased congestion on the road.
What will the Blue Ridge Bike Plan be used for?
As a result of the study, the Regional Bike Plan provides the vision and goals for regional bicycle infrastructure, analysis of current conditions, a map of prioritized regional corridors for bicycle improvements in the future, and a list of policy recommendations. As federal, state and local transportation funding becomes available, prioritized corridors can be improved to facilitate easier travel by bicycle between important destinations. When roadway projects are being implemented in our region, BRBP recommendations will be taken into account and will influence the final designs.
How can I find out more information?
If you have questions about the plan, or to access ArcGIS files, please contact